“Dear, Ave! Thank you so much for very good cooperation! Was pleasure working with you, You were amazing!” 
Henrik Hololei, Director-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

“The density of all events over the past three days has been really high and for a Presidency team to master this on top: chapeau!”
Herald Rujters, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission

Thank you for a great conference. It was one of the most professionally organized conference I've ever spoken at. I learned a lot from networking with the attendees and enjoyed the events.
Reid Senescu, VP of Product Management at Doxel (Keynote speaker at World of Digital Built Environment WDBE 2022)
”A special thanks goes to Ave Ader for her proactive and instrumental role in ensuring the success in the implementation of the event. Feedback on the conference has been exceptionally positive”
Florian Guillermet, Executive Director at SESAR JU

Thank you for all clients, partners and suppliers we have had honour to make events success!